Masonry buildings 2

Torrione panoramic garden of the Piazzo

Description: Consolidation retaining wall tower panoramic garden of the Piazzo - Corso del Piazzo n. 19 Locations Piazzo (Biella)
Bound Building

Client: Municipality of Biella - Via Battistero n. 4 - Biella

Services: preliminary, definitive, executive design and construction supervision

Period: 2014
In depth:

Attachment 1: intervention sheet

Attachment 2 : scheme of operational phases of the intervention

Attachment 3: tie rod details

Attachment 4: reinforced concrete reinforcement

Cascina Tre Madonne

Description: Securing with emergency procedure "Cascina tre madonne" - Scandolara Ravara (CR)

Client: Diocesan Institute for Clergy Support - Via Platina n.15 - Cremona

Services: calculation report, seismic checks by means of non-linear analysis, detailed checks, preliminary, final, executive design and works management

Period: 2015
In depth:

Attachment 1: Relevance of fact

Attachment 2: General draft

Attachment 3: Safety project

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