Masonry buildings 1

Wall of the church of S. Giulia

Description: Reconstruction of the surrounding wall Church of S. Giulia VM - Via G. Matteotti n.93 - Cividale Mantovano (MN)
Bound Building

Client: S.Giulia Parish - Via G. Matteotti n.93 - Cividale Mantovano (MN)

Services: preliminary, definitive, executive design and construction supervision

Period: 2012
In depth:

Attachment 1: Framing of degradation

Attachment 2: Section and armor of the wall section CD detail of the formwork block

Description: Reconstruction of the boundary wall of the church of S. Ambrogio - Via San Francesco d'Assisi no. 5 - Cremona - Bound Building

Client: Parish of S. Ambrogio - Via San Francesco d'Assisi no. 5 - Cremona

Services: supervisory opinion, structural calculations with seismic checks, DIA - preliminary, definitive, executive planning and works management

Period: 2010
In depth:

Attachment 1: Executive details of the wall

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