Typological card
Bell tower church of S. Benedetto Abate
Base base of the tower where the deterioration of the plaster is noticed
Verification and safety intervention of the tower
Securing with the removal of a damaged frieze portion
Securing with the removal of a damaged frieze portion
Securing with the removal of a damaged frieze portion
Securing with the removal of a portion of a dangerous frame
Securing with the removal of unsafe plaster from the belfry
Particular lesion with detachment of plaster
Securing with the removal of unsafe plaster
Church of S. Giulia
Bell tower view
Bell tower corner view with vertical lesion
Injury on corner with breaking of the brick facing at the pillars in reinforced concrete
Detail of the lesion on the corner
Particular break brick facade
Particular breakage with concrete separation and concrete cover due to the carbonation of the reinforcing iron
Particular breakage and detachment of the concrete cover in concrete due to carbonation of the reinforcing iron
Bell tower view
General view of the church
Building adjacent to the church in precarious static condition
Partial collapse of the roof of the building adjoining the church
Bell tower view
Particular bell tower clock
Obvious areas of fallen plaster and lack of grout joints in the watch
Bell cell
Lack of plaster and lack of mortar joints in the belfry
Details of the degradation of plaster and masonry of the columns in the upper part of the bell tower
Almost totally absent plaster and disintegration of the joints in the masonry of the roof of the bell tower and of the spiers
View of the spire and column with highlighted separation of the brick elements
Particular column with degradation of the masonry and plaster
Severe lesion of the stone element supporting the copper ball on the bell tower
Disruption of the ridge of the church cover
Particular degradation of the roof covering in coppi
Injury on the ridge of the masonry on the façade
Detail of the lesion on the front cover of the facade
View of columns and friezes on the facade
Degradation of the terracotta columns on the facade
Details of the damaged terracotta columns
Evident internal injury in the wall of the bell tower
Damage in the apse area
Damage on the counter-façade